
Saturday, July 17, 2010


The absolute Vision for One Voice is to make everyone aware of the lack of rights that animals have. This is NOT another Animal Rights activist wanting to sound off. It is an actual petition based group that is geared to make sure that what happened to Claurice, never happens again! That she, along with many thousands and millions of animals never be left with this kind of fate! Also, we are determined to establish new laws that are more strict for those who decide they want to abuse or neglect an animal of any kind! We will make a difference one voice, one person, one animal, at a time!

This is not another Animal Rights Coalition or another extremist trying to simply be heard. This is a direct plan to Adopt a Bill strictly to allow animals real rights under the Laws of the State. Right now there are no real laws that truly protect an animal from cruelty, neglect or even malpractice, which by the way is one of the biggest problems yet!

Did you know that if your vet whom you supposedly trust with your furry beloved friend messes up or treats that friend badly or improperly, that your furry friend and you have no rights to sue that vet? I bet you did not know that? Or maybe you did and do not care! Personally, if you are one of the thousands who have pets and do not care, SHAME ON YOU! You should not have a pet at all! Sound harsh! Did you get offended? Good! This is a WAKE UP CALL for ALL OF US!

I admit, I could certainly step it up a notch or two myself, that is why I am so FULL SPEED AHEAD on passing this bill! I decided a long time ago that there are really only two kinds of people in this world, those that are for you and those who are against you!

Personally, I don't spend a whole lot of time with those who are against me, after all, they will always be there! Lurking, fuming, trying to find ways to stop you from doing what you know needs to be done. They are the ones who sit around complaining about how bad things are, how horrible there lives are or making fun of you because they know what you are doing is awesome and they are simply mad because they only thought about doing something and never did. Well, that is the fault of themselves and they, alone.

The ones who do something are those who have maybe tried and failed, but nonetheless, have tried. They are the ones with maybe little knowledge to those who have great knowledge and give it their all either way. They accept the challenges before them with joy knowing they will eventually reach the goal even if it takes a while. They don't sit around with a bunch of what ifs with a bad attitude to boot! They are pretty positive and are much happier than the former ones mentioned before! They take initiative and are motivated and find every opportunity no matter how small it may seem at the time. These are the people who make the difference.

This bill is not for the faint of heart or the weary! It's not for those who think their life is really all about them!

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